The Annual Fall Banquet is October 24 — but it will be here before you know it …
And banquet buzz is already beginning!
Why? Because of our very special guest: We’re excited to announce Emerson Eggerichs, PhD, will join us!
This internationally known author and communication expert will provide an inspiring, insightful evening — enlightening us about how to improve our relationships and marriages all while providing practical ways each of us can escape the unhealthy cycles and patterns of our relationships.
Want a sneak peek? Here’s a quick view into what he’ll share with us!
Dr. Eggerichs, Founder and President of Love & Respect Ministries, has more than 30 years of pastoring, parenting, and counseling experience and brings biblical and scientific research into his teaching.
Having written books titled Love & Respect, Before You Hit Send, The Language of Love & Respect, The 4 Wills of God, and others, Dr. Eggerichs is sure to offer wisdom and real-world hope for the ups and downs that every marriage endures.
Please don’t miss it!
Plus: Banquet sponsorships are now available — click here for more info.

Jill Higgins, one of our volunteers, never tires of serving women and families up against crisis and uncertainty.
“When working with women facing unplanned pregnancies, I [have been] privileged to help encourage and guide them as they faced life-changing decisions. I will never forget witnessing their reactions of joy when the ultrasounds were performed and they first glimpsed their tiny babies.”
Here at Pregnancy Solutions, we wish YOU could witness it firsthand too! Your support for our life-saving, hope-giving efforts comforts women, offers love and compassion when they walk in our doors, and empowers them to embrace God’s grace.
Jill adds: “I have seen many changes these past years — in staff, or in design and décor, but the mission remains the same: saving babies and helping moms and dads be the best parents they can be. It has encouraged me to continue to support and pray for this organization as it continues fighting for the unborn.”
Thank you for standing with Pregnancy Solutions to make each encounter we have grace-filled and love-forward … just the way Jesus would do it. We’re grateful for your prayers and generosity!

Because of your unwavering support, Pregnancy Solutions is educating, empowering, and nurturing expectant families, providing them with the compassionate care they deserve.
Reflecting on a year’s worth of achievements, we thank you for making a beautiful difference in people’s lives, in our community, and for the sake of vulnerable babies.
In 2023:
- Digital reach to abortion-minded in Greater Akron: 70,000 impressions
- Website visitors: 5,200 (launched a new website for our target audience)
- Families served: 542
- Families served through Makenna’s Corner: 524
- Ultrasounds conducted: 244
- Pregnancy tests given: 315
- STI tests: 179
- Babies rescued: 25
- Car seats provided: 30
You help make all this possible.
We notice — God notices — and the families we serve see and feel your compassionate support. God bless you!

We’ve just launched a new website — and you’re invited to check it out!
In order to serve women and families better — and you! — we’ve made some updates and reorganized our site, and we’re confident you’ll enjoy exploring our new look with ease.
Be sure to view volunteer opportunities, upcoming events, how you’re making an impact, ways to donate, and more. Explore https://pregnancysolutions.life/ today!
Stand with Pregnancy Solutions today and offer emotional, spiritual, mental and physical support to women and men at an uncertain time, provide truth-filled resources and services, and share hope for tomorrow!
John 14:12-14
Most Assuredly, I say to you, he who believes in Me, the works that I do he will also do; and greater works than these he will do, because I go to My Father. And whatever you ask in My name, that I will do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son.If you ask anything in My name, I will do it.